About ISO 9001

THT Academy Pte Ltd

Quality Management System Accreditation

On 9th September 2004, THT Academy Pte Ltd (formerly known as Tat Hong Training Services Pte Ltd) has proudly achieved the ISO certification. We are now Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) accredited.

As of 21 June 2010, THT Academy Pte Ltd (formerly known as Tat Hong Training Services Pte Ltd) has successfully converted the existing quality management system, ISO 9001:2000 to the newly adopted version of the standard, ISO 9001:2008. The new quality system requirements are a radical change from the prior standard, utilizing a more process-based approach. The key highlights are greater management involvement, greater company wide communication, improved resource management, more in-depth measurement and analysis, and a much more focused approach to customer satisfaction.

Our Quality Policy – Total Customer Satisfaction
THT Academy Pte Ltd (formerly known as Tat Hong Training Services Pte Ltd) strives to provide Quality and Professional Training Services to our customers.

We always ensure:
– All customers’ requirements are met
– All statutory requirements are met
– Continual improvement in Quality Management System

Our Vision
To be the region’s preferred training provider of Quality Training Services.

Our Mission
To strive for excellence through continual improvement to provide Quality Training Services and programs so as to meet the Total Customer Satisfaction.

With the ISO accreditation, THT Academy Pte Ltd (formerly known as Tat Hong Training Services Pte Ltd) is committed to provide our utmost quality training and service for our customers at all times.

Your Training Needs is our Concern!
Your Total Satisfaction with our Services is our Responsibilities!

We look forward to working with you for your staff’ training needs.

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