About WSQ

THT Academy Pte Ltd

Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ)

system is a national credentialing system for the adult workforce; it is the foundation of the Continuing Education & Training infrastructure in Singapore. WSQ is based on competency standards developed and validated by industries, and further benchmarked against international practices. The SkillsFuture Singapore Agency (SSG), or formerly the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA), leads the development of the WSQ system, and upholds its high standards.

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We, THT Academy Pte Ltd (formerly known as Tat Hong Training Services Pte Ltd) are proud to be accredited by the SkillsFuture Agency Singapore, formerly known as Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA), as the Approved Training Organisation (ATO) to deliver training and/or conduct assessment under the WSQ system w.e.f 28 Sept 2007.

Your Training Needs is our Concern!
Your Total Satisfaction with our Services is our Responsibilities!

We look forward to working with you for your staff’ training needs.

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